Bitesize Payments

Cash - Is it still king?

October 04, 2023 Paul Thomalla Season 1 Episode 11

Welcome to Bitesize Payments! In this episode, we're delving into the world of cash. Over the past few years, I've had numerous conversations about cash and its unique characteristics, including its anonymity. I even had a memorable discussion about it while getting my hair cut – thanks, Ali!
 It’s the most personal payments method, it’s the most integrated into our societies and its old – 5,000 years plus. 

Is cash still king? Well, that's a question we'll explore today, and I must admit it's an emotionally charged topic.  Hold on here we go….

Payments Industry Insights

History of Payments

Payment System Explained

Corporate Payments Strategy

Payment Regulations Impact

ISO20022 Standard

Digital Payments Evolution

CBDC Advancements

Cryptocurrency in Payments

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